My Parents are Poor How can I Make Money?

I Support may Parents 

Making money as a young person can be a challenge, especially if your parents are struggling financially. However, there are various ways to earn an money and pay your responsibility to your family:

  1. Part-time job: Look for part-time jobs in your community, such as working at a retail store or fast food restaurant. You can also explore online gig jobs, such as dog walking, pet sitting or tutoring.
  2. Freelancing: If you have a skill, such as graphic design, writing or programming, you can offer your services as a freelancer. Websites such as Upwork and Fiverr can help you find clients who are looking for your services.
  3. Entrepreneurship: Consider starting your own business, such as a lawn care service or pet grooming. You can start small and scale your business as you grow.
  4. Babysitting or pet-sitting: If you are comfortable with children or pets, you can offer your services as a babysitter or pet-sitter.
  5. Sell items online: You can sell items you no longer need or make handmade crafts and sell them on websites like Etsy.
  6. Participate in surveys and research studies: Participate in paid surveys and research studies to earn money.
  7. Offer your services to neighbors: Offer to do errands or odd jobs for neighbors or family friends, such as mowing lawns or cleaning gutters.
Remember, the most important thing is to be creative and persistent in your search for income opportunities. With determination and hard work, you can help support your family and reach your financial goals.

Part-time job:

Its very helpful part is a form of employment that involves working fewer hours to get small and gain your experience that is profitable in future. Part-time jobs can include working at a retail store, fast food restaurant, or any other establishment that is willing to hire someone for fewer hours per week. This type of job can provide you with a steady source of income and can also help you gain valuable work experience. Additionally, many part-time jobs offer flexible schedules, making it easier for you to balance work and other responsibilities.


Freelancing is a way to offer your skills and services to clients on a project-by-project basis. Freelancers can work in a variety of different skills fields, such as graphic design, writing, programming, or consulting. Freelancing offers the flexibility to work from anywhere and to set your own hours, and you can work for multiple clients at the same time. To get started with freelancing, you can create a portfolio on websites such as Upwork or Fiverr, where clients can offer to hire you for different their projects. This can be a great way to earn extra money while leveraging your skills and expertise.


Entrepreneurship refers to establish and running your own small business. This can range from starting a small online business and with the passage of time convert it a large scale corporation. Entrepreneurship allows you to be your own business's boss, set your own mind, and have the potential for unlimited earning potential. If you have a passion for a particular industry or product, starting a business in that area can be a rewarding experience. Before starting a business, it is important to research the market, create a business plan, and secure funding. With hard work and determination, entrepreneurship can be a fulfilling and financially rewarding way to make money.

Babysitting or Pet-sitting:

Babysitting and pet-sitting are forms of providing care for children or pets, respectively, while their parents are away. If you are comfortable around children or pets and have some free time, this can be a great way to earn extra money. You can offer your services to families in your community, or use websites such as Care dot com to find clients. Babysitting and pet-sitting can be a flexible and low-investment way to make money, as it typically only requires your time and attention. It can also be a great way to gain valuable experience working with children or animals.

Sell Items Online:

Selling items online is a way to turn unused or unwanted items into extra cash. This can include items such as clothing, books, electronics, or handmade crafts. Online marketplaces such as eBay, Amazon, and Etsy make it easy to list and sell items, and you can sell items from the comfort of your own home. You can also sell items through social media platforms such as Facebook Marketplace or Instagram. This is a simple and convenient way to make money, as it doesn't require much effort or investment. Just gather the items you no longer need or create something new, and start selling!

Participate in Surveys and Research Studies:

Participating in surveys and research studies is a way to earn money by providing your opinions and feedback on various topics. There are several websites and market research companies that offer cash or gift card rewards in exchange for completing surveys. This can be a convenient and flexible way to make money, as it can be done from the comfort of your own home and at your own pace. However, it's important to research the company and ensure that they are reputable before sharing any personal information. Participating in surveys and research studies is a great way to earn extra cash and make a difference in shaping the products and services of the future.

Offer Your Services to Neighbors:

Offering your services to neighbors or family friends is a way to earn money by doing odd jobs or errands for others. This can include tasks such as mowing lawns, cleaning gutters, or running errands. By offering your services, you can build a reputation for being reliable and trustworthy, and potentially gain more clients in the future. This is a simple and low-investment way to make money, as it only requires your time and effort. Offering your services to neighbors can also be a great way to build a sense of community and help others in need.

Online Tutoring:

Online tutoring is a way to earn money by providing academic or language instruction to students over the internet. If you have expertise in a particular subject or language, you can offer your services to students in need of help. There are websites such as and Chegg that connect tutors with students who need their services. Online tutoring is a flexible way to make money, as you can choose your hours and work from anywhere with an internet connection. It is also a great way to use your knowledge and skills to make a difference in the lives of students and help them succeed academically.

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