Can You Make Money By Writing on Wattpad? (A Complete Guides)

Wattpad is a famous writing site that has revolutionized the method of people read and write. It is an online platform of writers and readers that is shared their stories and experience with each other.

Wattpad has gained massive popularity since its inception in 2006, with millions of writers and readers worldwide. With the increasing popularity of the platform, many aspiring writers wonder if they can make money by writing on Wattpad.

What is Wattpad?

can you make money by writing on wattpad
Can You Make Money by Writing on Wattpad?
How Wattpad works. Wattpad is a free platform where writers can share their stories with a global audience. Readers can access these stories for free and leave comments and feedback for the writers. Wattpad also offers a paid program called Wattpad Paid Stories, where readers can pay to access exclusive content from their favorite writers.

How can Writers Make Money on Wattpad?

One way is through Wattpad Paid Stories. Writers can submit their stories to this program and earn money based on how many readers pay to access their content. Wattpad pays writers 50% of the revenue generated by their stories. However, not all stories are accepted into this program, and writers need to have a large following and engagement on their stories to be considered.

Another way to make money on Wattpad is through brand deals and sponsorships. If a writer has a large number of followers on Wattpad, they can engaged with brands and companies to boost or promote their products or services. This can be done through sponsored posts or product placement in their stories. However, it is important for writers to disclose these partnerships to their readers to maintain transparency.

Wattpad Writing and Revenue Generation

Monetizing your stories through Wattpad: One of the ways writers can make money on Wattpad is by monetizing their stories. Wattpad has a system that allows writers to earn money through advertisements displayed in their stories. Writers can also earn revenue through in-story ads, sponsored stories, and merchandise sales.

Wattpad Stars Program: Another way writers can earn money on Wattpad is by joining the Wattpad Stars program. The initiative, that is open exclusively by invitation, gives writers the good chance to earn money off of their writing. The program provides financial support, promotional opportunities, and other perks to writers. However, it's important to keep in mind that the program is extremely competitive, and that is not all  the writers who apply are accepted.

Other revenue opportunities on Wattpad: Besides the Wattpad Stars program, writers can also earn money on Wattpad by selling merchandise related to their stories, such as T-shirts, mugs, and other products. This can be achieved through Wattpad's partnership with TeePublic.

Building a Fanbase and Increasing Readership

Promoting your stories on Wattpad: Building a fanbase and increasing readership is critical to making money on Wattpad. Writers can promote their stories on Wattpad by participating in writing contests, book clubs, and writer groups. Participating in these activities increases visibility and engagement.

Interacting with readers and building a community: Interacting with readers is essential to building a community on Wattpad. Responding to comments, hosting Q&A sessions, and creating polls help build a community of readers who are invested in the writer's work.

Leveraging social media to increase visibility: Social media is a useful tool for writers to gain visibility and connect a broader people. Writers can be used social media like Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook to boosting their stories, interact with readers, and create a audience.

Tips for Successful Writing on Wattpad

Writing quality content that resonates with readers: Writing quality content is critical to success on Wattpad. Writers should cover on pertinent stories that connect with readers and address related subjects.

Developing strong characters and storylines: Characters and storylines are the backbone of a story. Developing strong characters and storylines is critical to building engagement and maintaining readership.

Regularly updating stories and engaging with readers: Regularly updating stories is essential to keep readers engaged. Writers should also engage with readers by responding to comments and hosting Q&A sessions. This builds a community of readers who are invested in the writer's work.

Additional Tips for Writing on Wattpad

Utilize Wattpad's features: Wattpad offers several features to help writers promote their work, including story tags, cover images, and multimedia options. Writers should take merits of these elements to make their stories more appealing to readers.

Participate in writing contests: Wattpad regularly hosts writing contests that offer cash prizes and other incentives. Writers should participate in these contests to gain exposure and build their reputation on the platform.

Collaborate with other writers: Collaborating with other writers can help writers reach new audiences and gain exposure. Writers can cooperate on stories, co-write books, or even joint Q&A all sessions for readers.

Final Thoughts

Writing on Wattpad can be a fulfilling and lucrative pursuit for aspiring writers. By monetizing stories, joining the Wattpad Stars program, and leveraging social media, writers can earn money on the platform. However, it's necessary to focus on writing high-quality material, create engagement, and maintain readership over time. With dedication and hard work, writers can create a devoted audience and transform their love of writing into a lucrative career.


Can you make money on Wattpad without joining the Wattpad Stars program?

Yes, writers can monetize their stories through Wattpad's advertising program, in-story ads, and merchandise sales.

How often should writers update their stories on Wattpad?

Writers should update their stories regularly to keep readers engaged. However, it's necessary to strike a balance between frequent updates and upholding quality.

What kind of stories perform well on Wattpad?

Stories that resonate with readers and address relevant topics perform well on Wattpad. Genres like romance, science fiction, and fantasy are so famous on the site.

How important is social media in building a community of readers on Wattpad?

Social media is essential in building a community of readers on Wattpad. It helps writers promote their stories, interact with readers, and build a following outside of the platform.

Can you still earn money on Wattpad if you don't have a large following?

Yes, writers can still earn money on Wattpad even without a large following. It requires dedication and hard work to build engagement and maintain readership over time.


In conclusion, it is possible to make money by writing on Wattpad. However, it necessitates dedication, hard effort, and a desire to creating a group of readers that are invested in the writer's work. By monetizing stories, joining the Wattpad Stars program, and leveraging social media, writers can earn money on the platform. Additionally, writing quality content, developing strong characters and storylines, and regularly updating stories are critical to building engagement and maintaining readership.

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